Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Past Is A Part Of Me

Yea, I have Past... But you got it fucked up!!!!

It's Not a Secret....Nor have I ever tried to Hide It...
I'm Not Embarrassed.....
I'm Not Ashamed....
No Remorse Here Baby....

Nobody Made Me!!!
My Choices were My Choices...
Outside Influences were Never a Factor....

You feel the Need to Constantly bring up My Past....
Tell people about the things I've done.... Decisions I've Made....

But what you Fail to Realize Dear Loved One....

My Past doesn't Haunt Me...
& My Demons don't Scare Me....

Dear "Loved One"

Dear Loved One,

This is Your Reality Check... You've Clearly got shit Fucked Up in that Simple Narrow Minded Head of yours...

With my every accomplishment there you are trying Take Credit for helping "Raise Me"....

My Failures... My Downfalls... There you are again...

But this time you're Pointing Fingers & Making Excuses... Talking behind my Back...Placing the Blame on others...

But "You Raised Me" or so you say...

No Need to Keep On...
My Fuck Ups are My Fuck Ups... I take Responsibility for them...
Always Have! Always Will!

My Accoplishments are My Accoplishments.. I achieved them!

I Don't Owe You Shit Darling!
& why you Feel as if I do truly Baffles Me....

However, I will Give you Credit for One Thing..... Leaving!!!
But it's Cool... You were Never Asked For or Needed in the First Place!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Honesty Is The Best Policy

I'ma be completely honest... If I see something I Want I'll go after it, but I lose interest quickly & have 0 tolerance for lies... Bullshit.. Games.. Ext! There's been several different occasions where I've talk to a person 1day or 1wk & then never again. No hard feelings I just don't like playing with ppls feelings. There's been times where I just wanted to fuck someone & once I got what I wanted that was that... There's been times where I get bored to death...& just talk to anyone on twitter/Facebook & act like they ain't shit the next day... & there's been other times where I was genuinely interested in someone & they hurt my feelings... I don't try to sugarcoat things at all.
It is what it is...Until it ain't


I'm not the type to just have sex to have it...However, if I can't make a sexual connection with someone then there's no point in trying to have a relationship..I'm vocal during sex about my wants & needs...likes & dislikes.. Sex isn't everything, but it is important... & with GOOD SEX comes FEELINGS...

Now I find myself in a situation where I've gotten comfortable... COMPLETELY COMFORTABLE.. More comfortable than I've ever been with a Man...

The Physical Attraction was first!
Our sexual chemistry is AMAZING in every way... Slow, Fast, Hard, Soft, Sensual, Dirty...

His Intellect kept my attention!
Passion for knowledge, never settling for "good enough"... his Goals in reach...

Lack of Quality Time made me hesitant... You going one way & I was headed the other...

Ego's set aside & Pride swallowed...
Understanding is crucial!
& Communication is Key!

Conversations are limitless... From Life Issues to Pointless Jokes.....even when we're sitting in silence so much is being said.

Loyalty is what hooked me!
Not "Loyalty".. but Loyalty..
When we're together it's just US!
I don't have to worry about a thing.
No Drama!! No Disappointments!! No doubts!! No fears!!

My TRUST, he Earned!!! I know that anything I ask him, he'll answer honestly...Simply because I've given him no reason to Lie..

Trusting Him is what made me Love Him! not that childish"Fall In Love" boyfriend/girlfriend shit..but to truly LOVE HIM as a Person..

That's the shit that'll Last a Lifetime.. No matter the different paths our lives may take us on... No matter the distance that may grow between us... They'll never be Bitter Thoughts, only Happy Memories!!

And that's the situation I find myself in.... Now do you understand my dilemma?!

Under Construction

Yep! its about that time!
Time to revamp my social sites! I've "let them go" these past few months.. & I'm not happy about it. Lol I'm fuckin up man, fuckin up!


Got some new things I wanna try... Thoughts put into action... Really could work or it could really fail! But either way I promise I'll enjoy the ride...

I hope to have everything together & ready to pop off by JANUARY 2013!

Stay Tuned Bitches

TWITTER: BrookBezar

"Why People"

I strongly dislike those "why people"... Why you did this?! & Why you did that?! --BECAUSE I CAN!

Why you changed your style up?! What's with the new look?! --NEW LOOK..OLD LOOK...CHECK YOUR "LOOK" BEFORE YOU QUESTION MINE!

Why you wear extensions?! Why you cut your hair?!-- I WANT SHORT HAIR WHEN I WANT SHORT HAIR & LONG HAIR WHEN I WANT LONG HAIR!

Why you acting funny?! Like you don't know me?!--IF I FUCK WITH YOU, I FUCK WITH YOU...IF I DON'T, I DON'T!

Oh my GOD...I can't believe you'd do that...say that..wear that..Why?! --WHY THE FUCK NOT?!

Miss Me with that "WHY" bullshit...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Minutes Turn To Hours

Up! Mind bouncing from one idea to another... Trying to write them all down as they pop up.. IMPOSSIBLE!!! Nothing is Impossible.. That's what they say... But who the fuck are "they"?!?!??
Sometimes I wish I was simple minded or a settler... Times like NOW! when I can't sleep.. Can't seem to do anything, but think about ways to make money...
Kinda ironic that the shit I refuse to focus on is the same shit always popping back in my head. I'm just stubborn I guess... Somewhat difficult "they" would say... But then again.. Who the fuck are "they"?! Lmfao!!! Minutes turn to hours literally.. I had every intention on going a different route with this mini late night rant...
...that idea just faded away & that's that...

Saturday, May 5, 2012


The problem seeing the best in people is you miss the rest in people